Former Respected Mainstream News Anchors/Correspondents on Fox News Corporation

I’ve noticed recently that quite a few news anchors/correspondents are now affiliated with the Fox News Corporation.

I’m now so disillusioned by my perceived sense of betrayal. I know, it is a “job” for them, but when I see them, it’s hard to continue watching them do the Fox corporate walk. All I think is — mindless minions (synchophants), co-opted by money.

Granted, it isn’t one of my favorite news stations. If I’m in a business that has this news station on, I make a request that they turn it down or mute the volume. If they don’t acquiesce, I then terminate services with the firm after letting them know about their impartiality, or their potential for not being tolerant of diversity.

News from this station I feel fosters racism, classism and biogtry, and people I formerly admired, now affiliated with them, personally, “it hurts”. So now, I guess must say farewell to your former excellent journalism, and hello to “crass  trash”.


Disrespect Of President Obama

Some political leaders from other countries are emboldened to be disrespectful to President Obama because disrespect and vitriol exhibited by GOP and other right-wing idealogues.

The only difference between Obama and all other presidents is that he is a recognized bi-racial individual.

Just thinking–wouldn’t it be nice to see what’s in all former presidents and other political leaders/aspirants DNA closets!

Spring Has Sprung

Now is the time for all persons to clean house, both at home and politically on a local, state and federal level.

At home, you can garden outside and freshen the house inside by opening the windows and letting the fresh air in.

Politically, that is another story. Thank God for the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Greater than seven million persons signed up for healthcare. One of those persons is a diehard 60-something Republican who was able to retire with affordable lower cost insurance for his wife and himself. Unfortunately, he was being forced out – cutting of salary, and increasing his hours of work. At least, he is now able to retire without an added stressor, no insurance.

This Fall, people must ensure that they get out and vote for the middle-class who has been in a no-win situation for many years. A great number of boomers that my family knows are supporting their children, grandchildren as well as great grandchildren.

When voting, remember, vote for the person who doesn’t obsfuscate your ideals for you or your family and will ensure the viability of our Country for generations. Remember to vote early and carry registered persons with you. If you know of unregistered voters, work with them to ensure that they exercise their right to vote.

Let me know if you feel it is important to vote this Fall on a local, state and federal level.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.